Creating Repeatable Sales

2021/01/25 11:09 PM By Steven Bate

Quotas, sales goals, marketing targets, new leads, and new deals. The are common performance indicators of importance that salespeople want to hit. In sales, regardless of the industry you are in or who you are targeting the end goal is finding the ideal customer and securing the sale. This is achieved through a directed, systematic series of actions. The advantages of working with a systematic set of steps can be summed up in two words: consistency and efficiency.

Creating a unique product and brand isn’t enough. It takes repeatable sales processes to create a scalable business. It’s one thing to sign up a few new customers; it’s another thing to design and implement sales processes that can be successfully deployed again and again at ever greater scale. The most impactful revenue model is not simply developing a seller based "sales process" around the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), but to craft a "buying process" with the Ideal Buying Profile at the heart.

The "buying process"  systematically develops deep understanding of buyer internal processes, approvals, committee members (Influencers),  politics, and drivers while uncovering their needs and addressing barriers. Accordingly, account mapping and buyer enablement will allow the seller to align the goals and actions of both the seller and buyer.

You’ve created a scalable revenue model when:

  • You can add new hires at the same productivity level as the sales leader.
  • You can increase the sources of your leads on a consistent basis.
  • You have a sales conversion rate and revenue that can be consistently forecast.
  • The cost to acquire a new customer becomes significantly less.
  • Customers get the right products in the right place at the right time.

A repeatable revenue model is the platform for growth. However, it takes the experience, experimentation, and research of an seasoned sales leader before you hit on one that’s truly sustainable.

Steven Bate